2014-2015 Academic Year Inauguration Ceremony

2014-2015 Academic Year Inauguration Ceremony

We will be honoured by the participation of all our students and staff at the inauguration ceremony for the 2014-2015 academic year, which will be graced by the presence of Prof. Dr. Veysel EROĞLU, Minister of Forest and Water Management.  

Rector of Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University

Prof. Dr. Mansur HARMANDAR


Date: September 30, 2014

Time: 14:00

Place: Atatürk Congress and Culture Centre (AKM)



A Moment of Silence and National Anthem


Speech of the student representative

Academic opening speech by the Rector Prof. Dr. Mansur Harmandar

First Lecture by the Minister of Forest and Water Management Prof. Dr. Veysel EROĞLU 




Last Update : 24.09.2014 17:24:16 Number of Views : 6822
